"I had tried everything, so many different ways to ease or help my anxiety and low mood. I couldn’t understand why all the usual things, yoga, breathing or meditation didn’t seem to work on me. I wasn’t open to them no matter how much I wanted to be. Anna has helped me learn that I needed to calm down my nervous system in order to access them and this has been life - and identity - changing."
"I fell asleep straight away. It surprised me that I slept through the night. For the last three days I have been getting up feeling well rested – this is very unusual for me. I feel calm and peaceful. It feels good. Weird."
"I had a planned visit from some new friends on Saturday evening, I felt calm about it all day - in the past, I would have felt very anxious all day. It was a nice evening with friends at my house, I have never hosted an evening like this before! My sense of inner safety is continuing, I'm smiling at strangers and I feel at ease when in public"
''I fell asleep quickly. I didn't wake up in the night, which is unusual, I wake up in the middle of the night on most nights. I'm feeling calm today, my energy level is average. This is good, it's different to my recent experience of feeling tired all the time and anxious on a daily basis."
"I've felt very calm this week, despite difficult situations happening around me. I feel very clear-headed and in control of my emotions. Life does not feel overwhelming."
“J. had a pretty good start at school. Three days so far and two notifications from teachers about his positive contribution. We received a very positive feedback from school about J’s approach to French, also some extra points received for good work at school (from different subjects)
Anxiety? It is a revision time at school and I feel he handled it well, didn’t seem to stress about it. Impulsivity? - There were no impulsive reactions. Obsessive worries? - Nothing noticed."
(Feedback after a session) “We didn’t experience any aggressive behaviour. It was interesting to hear from him that he had a lunch detention at school because of being late for a lesson, but when he was informed about it, he just did it. No oppositional reactions or arguments. He also described a situation during an assessment when he struggled with some questions, but made a decision to ask for help/clarification. It was good to hear that there was some thought process behind the steps he had taken, rather than become frustrated and anxious.”
"After a number of sessions, I really felt mentally stronger and my thinking completely shifted. My anxiety was melting away and I could see my life from a completely different viewpoint. I had confidence to try new things and new ideas and solutions to problems that have bugged me for years, decades even. I’ve gone from “It’ll never happen” to “Yes it can and I want to”. I can’t thank you enough, you’ve changed my life."
"One of the quickest and most noticeable improvements I felt after starting my Neurofeedback journey was the improvement not only in my sleep but also how alert I felt during the day. Normally my energy levels were dependent on coffee or energy drinks but after just a few sessions I no longer felt the need. I had focus, energy and could think clearly. I can still enjoy a coffee but I don’t NEED it!"
"For anyone thinking of trying neurofeedback. I would say absolutely give it a go. My ADHD symptoms are easing without medication (I have been told there is a long wait to see a specialist and I didn’t want to spent the next two years suffering.) Amongst other symptoms, my procrastination is easing and I have more control over my thoughts."
"My family and I are enjoying many benefits from undergoing Neurofeedback. I approached Anna for help with managing frustration and sometimes feeling overwhelmed with anger. I was a bit skeptical at first, but I can’t argue with the results. Situations which would have made me blow up in the past are much easier to manage, I find that I can stay calm in stressful family or work situations."
"It was something beyond the drastic reduction of the symptoms (my anxiety). A new mindset was growing that made me spontaneously do new things and think new thoughts."
"Thank you, Anna, I feel so much calmer, I can think more clearly."
"The thing that surprised me was the change in my eating patterns. I didn’t come to see Anna about food or an eating issue but during the process of helping me with other stuff I noticed that I no longer craved food when I wasn’t hungry. I could feel sensations in my body in a new way, feeling full with no need to eat more than I wanted. This was happy byproduct of neurofeedback."
" I wanted to try something new when I realised what a rut I had been living in. I was taking my habits for granted without ever thinking about why or just ignoring my gut feeling that they were not working for me. Neurofeedback has gently changed all this and I am so grateful. I never knew I could feel this way or that changes would happen so naturally."