Anna Weglarek (BA Hons, MA Linguistics) is a neurofeedback practitioner and the founder of Brainstead. She has twenty years’ experience teaching and working with children and young people, however it was raising a child with autism that ignited her initial interest in exploring different therapeutic approaches. Determined to understand and ease the neurodiverse experience, Anna read extensively in the area of psychology and different therapeutic modalities, as well as putting them into practice, before discovering the wealth of possibilities that neurofeedback holds – a complete eureka or “ah ha!” moment. This led her to undertake her neurofeedback training with BEEMedic in 2021 whilst continuing to work as a teacher and EAL Lead in a local primary school.
Since completing her training, she has been practising in Southampton, helping both children and adults. As part of this journey, she is always learning and has had the privilege of undertaking further training with:
- Regular neurofeedback supervision sessions with EEGInfo
- Level 3 Certificate in Counselling skills, October 2024
- Annual Boston International Trauma Conference, May 2024
- Neurofeedback Advanced Clinical Summit, EEGInfo 14-16 March 2024
- Mental Health and Trauma Conference at Oxford University 31 August – 3 September 2023
- Annual Conference for Applied Neurofeedback, Birmingham 16-17 June 2023
- Polyvagal Theory Course with Dr. Stephen Porges 2022
- Working with complex trauma – untangling somatic wounds with Peter Levine
- National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine (on attachment, shame, neurobiology of trauma)
“I am passionate about how neurofeedback can support and improve life for all. Every day, I see adults, teens and children who struggle to develop and maintain relationships or have a variety of difficulties that disrupt their learning and their lives. Talking to parents, I know many are looking for a way to help. More and more people are finding themselves battling with undiagnosed or late diagnosed symptoms which affect their mental health. Through our sessions, I can help you reduce or eliminate many of the problems. Neurofeedback is for everyone.”